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its been awhile ... mostly due to being super busy at work and never a moment to get to the computer once home ... it has been hijacked by the kids to watch movies ... they are at the beach at the moment ....
kade went to melbourne and came back with a cold, but happy to have seen his mates and celebrate the northcote royalty wedding, lucky fella...saw some photos of glowing happy folk so that was something at least ...
we had a quiet weekend the three of us mostly including a school fair and walks and beach and baking ... it was somewhat destroyed on the sunday afternoon with a break-in by some KIDS who took the liberty of stealing money, beer and smashing eggs on the floor...not a good thing to come home too but something that was easily punishable since rob had seen the little thieves from his balcony and run down to confront them .. i had seen them as i left and even thou they managed to spend the forty bucks in an instance at the shop (on lollies - the innocence) I did manage to recover a light beer hidden in the pandanus tree behind the house ..(hee hee) ... an interesting part of paradise and unfortunately a common occurrence in these parts ... due mostly to boredom and the culture of humbugging i think .. still sucks a great deal when it happens to you. Nothing of major value stolen - the laptop and mobile phones untouched but for some reason that broke my glasses so now i am blind until melbourne, THAT is annoying....
the kids are now banned from the art centre (punishment indeed) until they do some community service for me in the printspace .. so far, out of nine, i have had three turn up to pay their dues ...
Last week we had the great Basil Hall of Basil Hall Editions in Darwin turn up to make three etching plates to take to melbourne next week - we got to learn the way of the etching plate and produce some beautiful lovely delicious small artworks by Nyapanyapa and Barrupu and later, Will and i got to etch one for Gulumbu which will make a series of three for us to print and sell onsite at art melbourne ...
Was a great busy week with Basil - we even made it into the PAPER where Ruby and I feature alongside Basil who due to a clerical error (?) was called BARRY HALL... funny!
with nyapsie
with etching plate
and barrupu
the kids are back from the beach so ... one week to go!
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